Caracterización clínico-epidemiológica de pacientes con diagnóstico de traumatismo craneoencefálico



Accidents, Skull, Incidence, Neurosurgery, Brain Injuries, Traumatic.


Introduction: head injuries are related to the greatest amount of loss of life for young adults. They are the fourth cause of death in Cuba and the first in the population under 41 years of age.

Objective: to characterize clinically and epidemiologically patients over 18 years of age with head trauma.

Method: it was carried out an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study, in patients older than 18 years with head trauma, during the period between January and November 2018, at the "Gustavo Aldereguía Lima" University Hospital in Cienfuegos, Cuba. The universe consisted of 32 patients and all of them were studied.  The variables age, sex, classification of head injury according to the Glasgow scale, cause of head injury and quality of discharge were studied.  Descriptive statistics were used.

Results: male patients with 11 (64, 71 %) between 21 and 40 years of age with 20 (62, 5 %) predominated. Mild head trauma with 21 (65, 63 %) and traffic accidents with 13 (40, 63 %) were the most prevalent. Most of the patients (31) were discharged alive (96, 88 %) male patients with 11 (64, 71 %) between 21 and 40 years of age with 20 (62, 5 %) predominated. Mild head trauma with 21 (65, 63 %) and traffic accidents with 13 (40, 63 %) were the most prevalent. Most of the patients (31) were discharged alive (96, 88 %).

Conclusions: middle-aged male patients with mild head trauma predominated. The largest proportion of patients was discharged alive and the main cause of trauma was traffic accidents.


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How to Cite

Martínez-Suárez CL, Rivero-Chau C. Caracterización clínico-epidemiológica de pacientes con diagnóstico de traumatismo craneoencefálico. Rev 16 de abril [Internet]. 2022 Jan. 26 [cited 2024 Dec. 12];61(283):e1541. Available from:



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