Level of knowledge about the prevention of dental traumatism in parents and educators of preschool children
Dental traumatism, tooth, tooth fractures, health education.Abstract
Introduction: as an integral part of the health of the individual, the preservation of dental tissues constitutes the primary objective of the dentistry profession. A serious threat to this objective means the considerable increase in traumatic injuries in the child population that presents with these conditions to the stomatological emergency services. Objective: to characterize the level of knowledge about the prevention of dental injuries in parents and educators of preschool-age children of the Placetas municipality. Method: an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out from November 2019 to February 2020 in a universe of 200 people between parents and educators. The variables age, educational level, knowledge about dental trauma, knowledge about risk factors for dental trauma, assistance to the stomatologist in the event of dental trauma and final evaluation were studied. Descriptive statistics were applied. Results: the age group 20-29 years (47.5 %) predominated. The pre-university completed was the most frequent (48.5 %). 68 % of parents and educators wrongly answered about dental trauma. There was a greater number of parents and educators with incorrect knowledge about risk factors (51.5 %). Correct knowledge about the immediate way of acting when a dental trauma was established in a child predominated (68 %). 43.5 % of those surveyed had an insufficient final evaluation Conclusions: the insufficient level of knowledge about the prevention of dental trauma was demonstrated in the parents and educators of the preschool-age children of the Placetas municipality.
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