
Open Access Policy

This journal provides open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Ethical Considerations

Research involving humans must comply with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki (https://www.wma.net/es/policies-post/declaracion-de-helsinki-de-la-amm-principios-eticos-para-las-investigaciones-medicas-en-seres-humanos/), the CIOMS-WHO standards for human research (https://www.google.com.cu/url?esrc=s&q=&rct=j&sa=U&url=http://fk.unair.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/CIOMS-EthicalGuidelines-2016.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjitbeyyLzvAhXKRzABHRU6DbEQFjAFegQIBxAB&usg=AOvVaw37QQanyllVCo6Ud0lfggj4), and the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (https://www.sergas.es/Asistencia-sanitaria/Documents/599/146180S.pdf) and must be explicitly stated in the manuscript.

Any ethical violations related to the document or process will be resolved using the protocols established by the International Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (http://publicationethics.org/files/All_Flowcharts_Spanish_0.pdf).

Conflict of Interest

Submitted research must comply with all ethical declarations for the types of studies, whether human or animal (Declaration of Helsinki). Public confidence in the peer review process and the credibility of published articles depends in part on how conflicts of interest are dealt with before and during the editorial process. A conflict of interest exists when an author (or the institution to which they belong), reviewer or editor has personal or financial relationships that may interfere with or influence their judgements in relation to the preparation, evaluation or publication of a manuscript. The most common are financial, but more subtle ones such as academic rivalry or intellectual passion may be observed. If there is a conflict of interest in any of the actors: authors, referees or editors, it should be reported in writing immediately to the Editor of the journal 16 de abril.

Frequency of publication

The Journal 16 de Abril will have an opening and closing of its issues on a quarterly basis. The new numbers will be published on the fifth day of each month of the beginning of the quarter. The magazine follows a continuous publication model, that is, it incorporates articles into the issue throughout the quarter. In the same way, the journal follows an early publication model, publishing articles that have already been processed and that have been assigned to the next issue. The number of articles per issue will depend on the editorial flow of the journal.

Plagiarism policy

All contributions must be original and unpublished. Articles submitted to the journal must not have been submitted for review or have been published, in part or in full, in any other national or foreign journal. Authors are responsible for ensuring that their contribution meets these requirements.
The editors will use the following tools to detect plagiarism: Ouriginal before starting the editing and proofreading process of the articles and will also check the bibliographical references to detect possible plagiarism. If the percentage of similarity between texts is higher than 20%, it could be plagiarism, in which case they will contact the authors of the work to clarify the circumstances or consider rejecting it. But it will always be a decision of the editorial committee to reject the article.
If a previous version of an article has been published before, this should be expressly indicated in the notes. The new version must have substantial novelties and the reasons for its recovery must be stated. The journal will reject articles that are plagiarism.

Duplicate publication
Papers whose content has been edited by other publications, widely disseminated in previous submissions, or whose content forms part of another published work will be rejected. This clause does not cover contributions that are incompletely presented at scientific events, as well as those that have been published in a preliminary form.

Duplicate submissions
Journal 16 de abril does not accept to review contributions submitted simultaneously to other journal(s). Authors must declare this condition in the endorsement granted by their Scientific Board.

Redundant publication
Journal 16 de abril does not accept to review contributions that substantially coincide with others. Authors must declare this condition in the endorsement granted by their Scientific Board.


Those who meet the 4 criteria recommended by the ICMJE (http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/browse/roles-and-responsibilities/defining-the-role-of-authors-and-contributors.html) appear in this section.
The order of appearance of the authors is the decision of the authorship team, however, an author must be identified for correspondence, who will assume responsibility for communication with the journal's Editorial Committee, and must be available throughout the editorial process.
The full names and surnames of all authors must appear (avoid initials). State professional title, scientific degrees, academic degrees, teaching and/or research categories, as appropriate. State the full name(s) of the institutional affiliation(s) of each of the authors.
To declare the ORCID of each of the authors as a mandatory requirement.
Each article must be accompanied by a signed letter expressing the authorship contribution of each of the authors, which must conform to the CRedit taxonomy of contributor roles, available at: https://casrai.org/credit/. The authorship roles will be identified in the following order, including each author in the one that corresponds to him/her and omitting those that do not apply in each case:

1. Conceptualisation: Ideas, formulation or evolution of the overall objectives and goals of the research.
2. Data curation: Management activities to annotate (produce metadata), clean data and maintain the research data (including programming code, if necessary, for interpretation of the data itself) for both initial use and subsequent re-use.
3. Formal analysis: Application of statistical, mathematical, computational or other formal techniques to analyse or synthesise the data from a study.
4. Acquisition of funds: Acquisition of financial support for the development of the project leading to this publication.
5. Research: Execution of an investigation and research process, specifically conducting experiments or collecting data and/or evidence.
6. Methodology: Methodology development or design; modelling.
7. Project management: Responsibility for the management and coordination in the planning and execution of the research activity.
8. Resources: Provision of study materials, reagents, materials, patients, laboratory specimens, animals, instrumentation, computer resources or other analytical tools.
9. Software: Programming, software development, design of computer programmes, implementation of computer codes and supporting algorithms; testing of existing code components.
10. Supervision: supervisory and leadership responsibility for the planning and execution of the research activity, including participation as an external tutor of the research team.
11. Validation: Validation, either as part of the activity or independently, of the overall replication/reproducibility of the results/experiments and other research outputs.
12. Visualisation: Preparation, creation and/or presentation of published work, specifically the visualisation/presentation of data.
13. Writing the original draft: Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work, specifically the writing of the initial draft (including correct translation).
14. Writing, reviewing and editing: Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work by members of the original research group, specifically critical review, commentary or revision, including pre- and post-publication stages.


The contents of the journal are protected under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided that the primary source of publication is acknowledged.

Digital identifier (ORCID)

The Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) is a unique identifier, composed of 16 digits, which aims to provide researchers with an unambiguous author code that clearly distinguishes their scientific production and avoids confusion related to scientific authorship and the existence of overlapping or similar names; therefore, its use has become a mandatory requirement for scientific publications and communications.
ORCID also provides a place to register papers and other data, which can be shared and linked with other identification systems (ResearcherID, ScopusID, Publons, among others). If you have not yet created your ORCID, you can do so at the following link: ORCID

Acceptance of manuscripts for the editorial process

Unpublished manuscripts are accepted.
Papers previously presented at a scientific conference are also accepted provided that they have not been published in full or are under consideration for publication in proceedings or similar formats. In this case, authors must declare the details of their publication in an accompanying letter.
We accept articles that have been previously deposited in Preprint servers, recognised in Health Sciences (SciELO Preprints; PMC; Plos; MedRxiv; etc.) or others that clearly identify the preprint as a non-peer-reviewed work and include authorship details. In this case, authors must declare in the accompanying letter that the article was previously deposited on a preprint server and provide direct access to it. Authors should take care to submit the most up-to-date version to the journal for review.
Duplicate publication, translations of previously published articles, partial research results or independent abstracts are not accepted for review.
As part of the process of first evaluation and selection of manuscripts to continue the review process, the Editorial Board evaluates the scope, novelty, relevance and impact of the research, as well as the quality of the presentation of the article. In any case, the Editorial Board of the journal will decide whether the manuscript continues the editorial process or not, which will be notified within a period of no more than 21 days.

Presentation of research data

The journal 16 de abril promotes the openness of research data, so authors are required to upload the primary records used for the data to the journal's platform, as an attached file.
In addition, authors are encouraged to publicly place in repositories and reference the data they consider from their research, so that it can be shared and reused. This aspect is very important as part of open access to information.

Publication languages

The journal accepts manuscripts in Spanish and English, with the majority of manuscripts accepted in Spanish.
In the case of manuscripts in Spanish, authors must translate the title, abstract and keywords into English. The publication provides the editing/proofreading service for this translation.
In the case of articles written entirely in English, they will have the same evaluation criteria as their peers in Spanish. Once the review process has been completed and approved, the publication provides the editing/proofreading service for the entire text until its final publication.

How to upload an article on the platform?

Make sure that before uploading a manuscript you have consulted the Guidelines for Authors available at: Rules for authors 2020.pdf (sld.cu) and that you adapted it to what the executive editorial board stipulates for the different types of articles it receives.
Then you must enter the journal's Open Journal System (OJS) platform available at: Revista 16 de Abril (sld.cu)
If you are not registered you will have to do it before. When you add your username and password, click on login and your profile will appear. Once there, click on author and you will see START A NEW SUBMISSION and below click here to go to the first step of the five steps to be completed.
Step 1. Start the submission
- Under Section you have to click on the box select the appropriate section for the type of article.
- Then select the language in which your article is written.
- Check that all aspects required for uploading the article in the checklist have been fulfilled and tick each of them.
Step 2. Enter the metadata.
- All the data of each of the authors must be entered. Special attention must be paid to the data with an asterisk*, which are mandatory.
- The introduction of the affiliation and ORCID number of each author is mandatory. The data required to be inserted are stated in the Rules for authors.
- To add each author click on Add author until the total number of authors is reached.
- Add the title. Do not place the word title in front of it and do not put a full stop.
- Add the Structured Abstract below.
- Add the Keywords below. Separated by semicolon (;) and all in lower case.
- In this section, fill in any other information that may be of interest for the indexing of your article, if necessary.
Step 3. Upload the submission.
- Where it says: upload the submission, click on the key that says browse and find where you have your article on your computer and click on open and the article is placed in the blank space but you have to click on UPLOAD to complete the operation.
- Then at the end click on SAVE AND CONTINUE.
Step 4. Send complementary files.
- In this step you must upload: the Letter of Contribution of authorship of each of the authors; any endorsement of Scientific Council, Ethics Committee; Statement if it was published partially or totally previously.
- In addition, you can upload data of your research that are requested depending on the type of article; complementary images and other files that you consider necessary for the evaluation process of the manuscript.
- To do this, click on browse and look for the indicated documents on your computer, click on open and then click on upload.
- IMPORTANT. In the normative documents where the names of the authors are revealed, do not select the option to show the complementary ones to the reviewers.
- At the bottom of the page click on SAVE AND CONTINUE.
Step 5. Confirmation of submission

Re-submission of corrected manuscripts

- Once logged in, enter the OJS platform of the Revista 16 de Abril (sld.cu)
- Enter your name and password and click on login.
- When the author's home page appears, click on Author.
- On this page you will see the articles you have submitted.
- Click on the title of the article you have already corrected, you will see the summary, etc.
- At the top of the page you will find links that say: SUMMARY, REVIEW, etc. Click on REVIEW.
- On the Review page, at the bottom there is a section called: Editorial decision and at the bottom an item that says Upload author's version.
- Click on browse and look for the corrected article on your computer. Select it and click Open in the dialogue box.
- The article will fill in the blank space, but you have to click on Upload and wait until the article comes out in Author's Version, and your article will be ready to continue the process and be sent for review again.


The Executive Editorial Committee is in charge of verifying and deciding which advertising element is placed in the News section of the magazine's platform, which is free of charge and does not allow advertising content for the purpose of profit for any institution or organisation.