Educational intervention about risk factors for lung cancer in adolescents in Gibara
adolescence, prevention, pulmonary neoplasm, risk factors, smokingAbstract
Introduction: the lung neoplasia is defined as a group of diseases resulting from the abnormal growth of cells of the respiratory tract, particularly lung tissue.
Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention on knowledge of risk factors for lung neoplasia in adolescents belonging to the Basic Work Group 1 of the José Martí Polyclinic of the Gibara Municipality in the period from January to June 2019.
Method: a before-after without a control group study was carried out on the level of knowledge about risk factors for lung cancer in adolescents who belong to Basic Work Group 1 of the "José Martí" Teaching Polyclinic in Gibara in the period from January to June 2019, with a population of 393 and a sample of 135 that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Results: of the sources of information, other sources predominated with 45.2%. After the intervention was applied, 80% and 88.9% answered correctly about the significance of lung cancer and risk factors, respectively. Regarding the generalities of prevention, 91.9% were adequate. The assessment of general knowledge about the risk factors for lung cancer showed the number of patients with adequate knowledge at 94.1%.
Conclusions: the educational strategy was effective because a high level of knowledge was achieved in the majority of adolescents. After the program, adolescents are expected to achieve changes in their lifestyles and to be able to bring this knowledge to their families and friends, which would favor a long-term decrease in the incidence of lung cancer.
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