Evaluation of microimplants as an anchor unit in orthodontic movements


  • Lilian Susana Torres Fernández
  • Reyvi Cruz Carralero
  • María Elena Malcom Castillo
  • Ubaldo Torres Romo


dental implants, orthodontic anchorage procedures, orthodontic treatment, skeletal anchorage


Introduction: The use of micro-implants as an absolute anchor for tooth movements is an orthodontic practice in use.
Objective: To evaluate the use of micro-implants as a temporary anchorage unit in orthodontic movements.
Material and Methods: A observational descriptive an cross-sectional study was carried to evaluate the results of orthodontic movements assisted by mini screws as a temporary skeletal anchorage unit in a sample of 20 patients attended in Ismael Clark y Mascaró County Dental Teaching Clinic from September 2014 to September 2016. To demonstrate, the results of using device, the fallowing variables were studied gingival inflammation and bleeding, microimplant stability, discomfort and pain, complications and factors that influence the permanence of the micro-screw.
Results: The device it was stable in all patients during the period of use because the difficulties were minimal and solved. The modification time of the dissimilar anomalies was decrease and the general period of treatment.
Conclusions: The use of micro-implants as a temporary skeletal anchorage unit it was successful in all patients. The most frequent problems was the inflammation resulting of a deficient oral hygiene and the fracture of the device at colocation moment but, all this, did not interfere with the effective use. Respect others methods of anchorage the micro screw results superior.
Keywords: dental implants, orthodontic anchorage procedures, orthodontic treatment, skeletal anchorage


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How to Cite

Torres Fernández LS, Cruz Carralero R, Malcom Castillo ME, Torres Romo U. Evaluation of microimplants as an anchor unit in orthodontic movements. Rev 16 de abril [Internet]. 2017 Nov. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 6];56(266):149-56. Available from: https://rev16deabril.sld.cu/index.php/16_04/article/view/610



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