Design and Validation of an Instrument to Assess Cuban Student Observational Research in Medical Sciences
Validation Study, Assessment Instrument, Observational Research, Medical Education, Cuba.Abstract
Introduction: In spite of the intense activity that exists in Cuban medical science undergraduate student academic events, there is currently no validated instrument available for the assessment of the written reports presented in these events.
Objective: To design and validate an instrument to assess the written reports of observational research presented in Cuban medical science undergraduate student academic events.
Methods: A design and validation study of an instrument was carried out between September 2021 and September 2023. In the design phase, a product was created in Microsoft Excel 2016 to facilitate the application of the instrument (90 items and 10 dimensions). In the validation phase, a five-step methodology was applied: 1) content validity, 2) reliability based on internal consistency, 3) construct validity, 4) external test-criterion relationship and inter-rater agreement, and 5) reliability based on stability.
Results: Content and construct validity were demonstrated by Aiken's V coefficients greater than 0.8. The Kuder-Richardson coefficient was 0.865 (acceptable internal consistency). The validity of the instrument's criteria was verified with respect to an external criterion and it was found that the inter-rater agreement generated by the application of the instrument is almost perfect (Fleiss kappa coefficient greater than 0.81 in all cases). The instrument is stable, as the test and retest scores correlated perfectly (Pearson correlation coefficient equal to 1).
Conclusions: The instrument designed provides valid and reliable results.
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