Contributions of revista científica estudiantil EsTuSalud to scientific production on oncology
bibliography of medicine, bibliometrics, oncology.Abstract
Introduction: student scientific journals allow disseminating the research results of Cuban university students. There is great interest in the scientific production on oncology and bibliometric studies on the subject have increased.
Objective: to characterize the contribution of the revista científica estudiantil EsTuSalud to the scientific production on oncology.
Method: observational, descriptive and cross-sectional bibliometric study o in the period from January 2019 to January 2023. The population was constituted by the 18 articles on oncology published in the journal and was studied in its entirety. The following variables were analyzed: year of publication, number of authors, institution of origin of the main author, type of article, total number of bibliographic references and Price index. Descriptive statistics and bibliometric indicators were applied.
Results: the year with the highest number of articles was 2021 (50%). Original articles predominated (61.1 %). They came from 5 institutions, the most productive was the University of Medical Sciences of Las Tunas (72.2 %). Fifty-eight authors contributed and there was a predominance of articles with 4 authors (44.4%). A total of 305 bibliographic references were used, with an average of 17 references per article. Price's index ranged from 0.36 (case presentations) to 0.85 (review articles).
Conclusions: EsTuSalud has contributed to the production of oncology articles. The University of Medical Sciences of Las Tunas was the most productive institution. Multi-authorship, a high Price index and originality characterize the scientific publication on oncology in this journal.
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