Ossifying fibroma of the upper maxilla: A case report



Ossifying fibroma, Maxillary, Neoplasm.


Ossifying fibroma is a benign osteogenic mesenchymal tumor. It is presented the case of an 18-year-old female patient, with black skin, who attended the maxillofacial surgery clinic due to an increase in nasal and upper jaw volume on the left side, slow-growing, asymptomatic. The panoramic X-ray confirmed a well-defined unilocular radiolucent image, with displacement of tooth roots without root resorption. The biopsy confirmed a neoplastic connective tissue stroma, with the presence of bone spicules with a laminar peripheral structure. The diagnosis was ossifying fibroma of the upper jaw. Complete resection of the tumor was performed, including teeth related to it, and the bone defect was repaired with hydroxyapatite. The postoperative evolution was favorable. This condition requires multidisciplinary management. Its diagnosis is a clinical one, supported by complementary tools such as imaging and histopathology. It is a very rare benign tumor that occurs in young people. It is important to make a diagnosis in order to differentiate it from other fibrous lesions.


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How to Cite

Leyva-Brooks S, Ballart-Ramos A, Román-Luna D. Ossifying fibroma of the upper maxilla: A case report. Rev 16 de abril [Internet]. 2023 Jan. 5 [cited 2024 Dec. 12];62:e1625. Available from: https://rev16deabril.sld.cu/index.php/16_04/article/view/1625



Case Report