Clinical-epidemiological characterization of pneumonia complicated with pleural effusion in children admitted to the Pediatric Hospital "Pepe Portilla"
Pleural effusion, Respiratory system infections, Pneumonia, Pediatrics.Abstract
Introduction: acute respiratory infections are a serious health problem as they are the main cause of infant morbidity and mortality in the world, especially during the first year of life.
Objective: to clinically and epidemiologically characterize complicated pneumonia with pleural effusion in children admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of the "Pepe Portilla" Pediatric Hospital.
Method: an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out that included a universe of 80 patients with complicated pneumonia with pleural effusion, admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of the "Pepe Portilla" Pediatric Hospital; the sample matched the universe.
Results: children under 5 years of age were more affected for 77.5% and males predominated (60%). Fever and polypnea were present in 15% of the patients. Streptococcus pneumoniae (8.7%) was the predominant germ in the pleural fluid. The combination of antibiotics and fibrinolytics (91.3%) was the predominant therapeutic combination. Sepsis stood out as the most frequent complication (22.5%) and the predominant stay of patients in the Intensive Care Unit was 10 days or less, with 65 patients.
Conclusions: the most affected age group was under 5 years old, the predominant sex was male and the most frequent symptoms were fever and polypnea. Streptococcus pneumoniae was the microorganism responsible for the appearance of this disease and the hospital stay in said unit was less than 10 days.
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