Factors that influence student scientific production in the surgical sciences
Science, Students, Technology and innovation indicators, Scientific and Technical Publications, Electronic Publications.Abstract
Introduction: research in surgical sciences that constitute vital tools for the health worker since they can provide results of interest such as the usefulness of diagnostic scales, behavior of a nosological entity, as well as encourage the exchange of knowledge among professionals about the basis of accumulated experiences.
Objective: to characterize the factors that influen- ce student scientific production in surgical sciences.
Method: an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out from September to November 2021. The universe was made up of 84 medical science students who are linked to surgical sciences; the screen technique was not applied. Descriptive statistics were translated.
Results: the age in the female sex was found in a range of 21.5 + 1.87 and in the male of 21.4 + 1.90. The female sex prevailed (36.1%). The fourth year (26; 30.9%) and the medical degree (76; 90.5%) stood out. He highlighted the personal motivation for research with 74 students. Students with regular knowledge of reference to research methodology predominated (46; 57.8%); review articles and case presentations stood out (56; 66.7%).
Conclusions: the accumulated research experience and basic knowledge constitute inseparable elements that must be put into practice by future researchers. In this sense, each factor influences a quality scientific activity.
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