Characterization of duodenal diverticula in patients with gallstones
Diverticulum, Small Intestine, Lithiasis.Abstract
Introduction: diseases of the small intestine are numerous, from the wide variety of infectious alterations to tumors or motility defects.
Objective: to characterize duodenal diverticula in patients with gallstones in the province of Pinar del Río.
Method: des- criptive, cross-sectional study in the period from January 2018 to December 2019. The universe consisted of 187 patients with gallstones diagnosed with duodenal diverticula, who attended the Provincial Gastroenterology Service of Pinar del Río. It worked with the entire universe. Variables such as age, sex, personal pathological history, clinical manifestations, radiological diagnosis and location of the papilla in relation to the position of the diverticulum were analyzed.
Results: the female sex predominated (68.9%) and those older than 75 years were the most affected age group (24.6%). Cholecystectomy was the most frequent personal pathological history (48.6%). 60.9% of the patients presented jaundice. The papilla was located inside the diverticula in 61% of the cases and 95 patients had residual bile duct stones.
Conclusions: duodenal diverticula in patients with gallstones were more frequent in females and in the age group older than 75 years. Cholecystectomy was the predominant antecedent and the most frequent clinical manifestation was jaundice. In relation to duodenal diverticula, the papilla was located within them.
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