Efectividad de las medidas aplicadas para la prevención de las infecciones asociadas a la asistencia sanitaria en la terapia
Communicable Diseases, Cross Infection, Intensive Care Units.Abstract
Introduction: at the dawn of the 21st century, infectious diseases constitute one of the first causes of death and the first of years of healthy life lost due to disability in the world.
Objective: to evaluate the effect of the measures applied on infections associated with healthcare in the Intensive Care Unit of the “Dr. León Cuervo Rubio”.
Method: an observational, analytical, lon- gitudinal and prospective study was carried out that included 285 patients admitted to the intensive care unit of the Hospital “León Cuervo Rubio” in the period from September 2018 to November 2019.
Results: no differences were found with relations- hip to sex. In 2018, 81 % of the ventilated patients had ventilator-associated pneumonia, and in 2019 17 % (x2 = 44.01; p = 0.00), bacteremia: 15% and 5.6 % (x2 = 4, 33; p = 0.03), urinary tract infections: 28.4 % and 7.9 % in 2018 and 2019 (x2 = 19.13; p = 0.00001) respectively in each case. Enterobacter was isolated in 33% of pneumonias associated with early-onset ventilation, E. coli in 77 % of urinary infections and in 37% of bacteremia, showing a resistance above 50 % to cephalosporins of third and fourth generation.
Conclusions: there was a significant decrease in the infections associated with health care evaluated with the application of the measures.
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