Results of the subject History of Stomatology taught in the distance teaching modality



Distance learning, History of Dentistry, Academic performance.


Introduction: the subject History of Stomatology, is a subject of the career, which in the 2020-2021 school year was taught with a new study plan and in the distance learning modality. 

Objective: to describe the results of the course History of Stomatology taught in the distance teaching modalityduring the 2020-2021 academic year at the Faculty of Stomatology of Santiago de Cuba.

Methods: a cross-sectional descriptive observational study was carried out in the period from February to March 2021. The universe consisted of 30 first-year stomatology students. The variables form of admission to the University, place of origin, and quality of the final report, final grades and subjects of greater difficulty were studied. Descriptive statistics were used. 

Results: 36.7 % of the students entered through the Pre-University Institute and most of the students (43.3 %) belonged to the Santiago de Cuba main municipality. 60 % of the students developed a final work with excellent quality. 23 students concluded the course with the highest grade, representing 76.7 %; A 100 % promotion was obtained. Topics II and III were the ones that offered the greatest difficulty to the students in the evaluations carried out. 

Conclusions: the results of the course History of Stomatology taught in the distance teaching modality during the 2020-2021 academic year to students of the Faculty of Stomatology of Santiago de Cuba were satisfactory in terms of promotion and academic results.


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How to Cite

Arocha Arzuaga A, Cano Reyes VM, Maestre Torres I, Poll Samamlea L, Cañete Revé TM. Results of the subject History of Stomatology taught in the distance teaching modality. Rev 16 de abril [Internet]. 2021 Oct. 16 [cited 2025 Mar. 15];60(282):e1387. Available from:



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