Low level laser therapy in the treatment of chronic edematous and fibroedematous gingivitis
Effectiveness, Periodontal diseases, Gingivitis, Lasers.Abstract
Introduction: periodontal diseases are very frequent in the population and new treatments are revealed every day, laser being one of the encouraging therapies that allows improving periodontal conditions.
Objective: to evaluate the results of the application of low level laser in patients with chronic edematous and fibroedematous gingivitis.
Method: a non-observational, quasi-experimental study of the before-after type with a non-equivalent control group was carried out at the Villa Clara Faculty of Stomatology, from March 12, 2018 to March 15, 2019. The universe was constituted per 106 patients, of which 1,278 sites affected by chronic gingivitis were selected. It worked with its entirety. Two groups were formed: 638 sites received conventional therapy plus laser application (study group) and 640 only conventional treatment (control group). Descriptive statistics were used.
Results: the predominant age range was 15 to 20 years (47.17 %). Male sex prevailed (50.94 %). A higher frequency of sites affected by chronic fibroedematous gingivitis was found (83.41 %). 100 % of the affected sites had loss of morphology and 95.62 % had bleeding on probing. Greater effectiveness was evidenced in the study group (49.45 %).
Conclusions: the treatment had good results in the sites where low power laser was applied, making it an effective therapeutic option for chronic edematous and fibroedematous gingivitis.
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