Influence of psychosocial determinants on oral health of patients in a medical consultory in Cienfuegos
Social determinants of health, Family, Oral health.Abstract
Introduction: the position assumed by the human being with respect to their health depends not only on the existing social conditions, but also on their knowledge, habits, customs and living conditions; hence the influence of the different biopsychosocial factors and the important role of the community, mainly the family, in the state of health. Objective: to characterize the psychosocial factors that influences the oral health of the community in Area II of the municipality of Cienfuegos. Method: an observational, qualitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out during the January 2021, which included 2 families belonging to the Medical Office No. 28 of Area II of Cienfuegos. Interview, observation, document analysis and information triangulation were used as methods. Results: an unfavorable oral health status was determined due to the lack of knowledge of the importance and benefits of stomatological care, due to the deficient stomatologist-family link. This led to a high prevalence rate of dental caries and masticatory dysfunction. The main beliefs state that dental service is only necessary to treat pain, and that oral care is not an essential element for life.Conclusions: The main determinants of oral health found were the low level of knowledge about oral pathologies and oral care, and the low criteria of susceptibility and risk to these conditions by the majority of individuals.
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