States and buccal Lesions with greater tendency to malignancy in older adults
Oral Cancer, Oral states and lesions, Older adults.Abstract
Introduction: oral cancer is the only oral disease that most affects the mortality of populations, but if the states and buccal lesions are detected early, itsdiagnosis in more advanced stages of the disease will be avoided.
Objective: to characterize the behavior of the states and buccal lesions with more tendency to the malignización in older adults.
Method: a cross-sectional descriptive observational study in older patients diagnosed with states and buccal lesions was carried out to the Dental Clinic ¨Manuel Angulo Farrán¨ in the period from November 2019 to November 2020, the universe was represented by 326 patients older than 60 years who attended the Primary Care consultation and were referred to Maxillofacial Surgery. Descriptive statistic was used.
Results: the most affected individuals belong to the 60-69 year-old age group (50.9 %) and to the male sex (54.3 %). Leukoplakia in 63 patients (52.6 %) was diagnosed. The affected area was the mucous of the cheek in 44 patients (38.3%). The smoking habit was the most frequent risk factor (41.8 %).
Conclusions: leukoplakia is the lesion with more tendency to the malignización, in adults over 60-69 year-old, mainly found in the mucosa of the cheek, a product of smoking.
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