Particularities in the development of children of adolescent mothers



Son of adolescent mother, Adolescent motherhood, Biological parameters of well-being in the newborn, Biological parameters of well-being in the infant, Breastfeeding.


Introduction: adolescent mothers must face their new role, since this life circumstance significantly influences their future and that of their children.
Objective: to identify some peculiarities in the development of children of adolescent mothers.
Methods: a descriptive, cross-sectional observational study, the universe was constituted by 32 children / one year of life of adolescent mothers, who attend consultations of the maternal and child program in Cumanayagua during the period from January to March 2020. They studied variables such as the sex of the child, biological parameters of well-being in the newborn and in the infant, time of breastfeeding and characteristic behavior of the child. Descriptive statistics were used.
Results: the children of the adolescents were 25 males (78.1 %) and 7 females (21.9 %). 93.8 % registered good biological parameters of well-being in the newborn and the infant. Time with breastfeeding prevailed between 6 and 7 months (31.2 %); all left the practice before the end of the first year of life, only 6.3 % did not breastfeed their children. 53.1 % were perceived with active behaviors.
Conclusions: the development of children of late-stage adolescent mothers attended in the maternal and child program was perceived satisfactorily, although they are not breastfed by their mothers for the required time and are perceived by them as active and very demanding of their attention and care.


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How to Cite

García Ramos D, Rivero Morey RJ, Magariño Abreus L del R, Ramos Rangel Y. Particularities in the development of children of adolescent mothers. Rev 16 de abril [Internet]. 2021 May 6 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];60(280):e1194. Available from:



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