Behavior of the sprout again of the pandemic by COVID - 19 in Pinar del Río
Coronavirus, Covid-19, Pandemic, Sprout again...Abstract
Introduction: the province Pine of the River has presented/displayed a complex situation epidemiologist from the beginnings of the sprout again of the Covid-19.
Objective: to characterize the behavior of the sprout again of the pandemic by COVID - 19 in Pine of the River.
Methods: observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study, with a population of 623 patients confirmed positive to the Covid-19 and its contacts 7 725, during the months of October and November of 2020, theoretical, empirical and statistical methods were used.
Results: the municipalities with greater number of confirmed cases were Pine of the River with 243 (39.0 %), Consolation of the South 143 (22.9 %) and Guane with 124 (19.9 %), predominió masculine sex, 384 cases (61.6 %) and the group of 19 to 39 years of age, 225 (36.1 %), the greater number of asintomatics were in Pine of the River with 30.8 %, Consolation of the South 20.2 % and Guane with el13,0 %. Most of contacts of confirmed cases of COVID -19 was re- ported in Pine of the River, 2 788 contacts (36.0 %),Consolation of the South with 1 922 (24.8 %) and Guane with 1 089 (14.0 %), confirmed contacts positive COVID - 19 they predominated in Pine of the River, 212 (40 %), Consolation of the South with 115 (21.6 %) and Guane with 106 cases (10, 1%).
Conclusions: the sprout again of the pandemic by COVID - 19 in Pine of the River result a behavior similar to the one of the rest of the country and has coincident points with the pandemic at world-wide level.
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