Risk factors and chronic inmunoinflammatory periodontal disease in the Dental Clinic Ana Betancourt
Epidemiology, Risk Factors, Gingivitis, PeriodontitisAbstract
Introduction: chronic immunoinflammatory periodontal diseases group a series of entities that affect the protective and insertion tissues of the tooth.
Objective: to identify the risk factors and those that aggravate the evolution of chronic immunoinflammatory periodontal disease in patients of the "Ana Betancourt" Stomatological Clinic.
Method: an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out from September 2019 to February 2020 with 120 patients who attended the Periodontics consultation at the "Ana Betancourt" Stomatological Clinic in the Playa municipality of Havana. The summary measures that were used were absolute frequency and percent.
Results: the most frequent risk factor was smoking, representing 30,83 % of all patients, poor oral hygiene as an aggravating factor in the evolution of the disease was present in 89,1 %, and the severity of the most frequent periodontal disease it was gingivitis for 35,8 % of the patients.
Conclusions: the presence and severity of periodontal disease was significantly associated with smoking as the main risk factor and poor oral hygiene, dental tartar and dental caries as aggravating factors in the evolution of chronic immunoinflammatory periodontal disease in the patients studied.
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