Optional course of cadaveric dissection, practice and student contribution to teaching aids
Anatomy, Dissection, Students, Medical.Abstract
Introduction: the observation and dissection of human cadaveric material constitute valuable sources for the teaching of anatomy. The low availability of corpses in Cuba has not made it possible to increase the number of anatomical pieces available for classes. The optional dissection courses constitute the space for the practice of Human Anatomy and obtaining teaching aids for medical teaching. Objective: to characterize the anatomical pieces provided by the optional cadaveric dissection course of the University of Medical Sciences of Matanzas as a means of teaching Human Anatomy.Materials and methods: a descriptive and observational research was carried out. The universe was made up of 53 blocks of dissected organs by students enrolled in dissection elective courses from 2017 to 2020. Results: more than half of the pieces belong to the urinary system (60,38 %). The anatomical blocks of the female sex predominated (60,38 %) and the classic morphological structure of the pieces prevailed. The most frequent anatomical variants were in the cardiovascular and renal blocks and were associated with arterial structures. Conclusions: cadaveric dissection is a great tool for students to acquire skills and abilities in understanding the Anatomy, while providing valuable teaching aids for medical teaching, such as the ones obtained in the optional course of the University of Medical Sciences of Matanzas in its new version.
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