Cell therapy in myocardial infarction


  • Leandro Jorge Riverón Cruzata UCM de Las Tunas
  • Lisandra Morales Álvarez
  • Ana María Gutiérrez Carbonell
  • Elso Manuel Cruz Cruz
  • José Luis Barreda Pavón
  • Sahily Rojas Pérez

Palabras clave:

Myocardial infarction, stem cells, cardiomyocytes and regeneration.


Myocardial infarction is a morbid process that initially affects the coronary arteries and results in the necrosis of a part of the heart muscle. This was the second cause of death in Cuba in 2014, and cell therapy has become a promising alternative for the treatment of this condition. Therefore, a literature review was carried out to describe the modalities of cardiac and extracardiac stem cells that allow the regeneration of this tissue in patients with myocardial infarction, by reviewing 24 bibliographical references. Although cell therapy is applied with good results, the persistence of its long-term effects are not yet fully achieved in infarcted patients. Umbilical cord cells appear to have a greater ability to repair cardiac damage than stromal stem cells, due to multiple advantages.

Biografía del autor/a

Leandro Jorge Riverón Cruzata, UCM de Las Tunas

Miembro del grupo científico estudiantil de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Las Tunas


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Cómo citar

Riverón Cruzata LJ, Morales Álvarez L, Gutiérrez Carbonell AM, Cruz Cruz EM, Barreda Pavón JL, Rojas Pérez S. Cell therapy in myocardial infarction. Rev 16 de abril [Internet]. 23 de noviembre de 2017 [citado 14 de marzo de 2025];56(266):187-93. Disponible en: https://rev16deabril.sld.cu/index.php/16_04/article/view/533



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