Information For Authors

Author Guidelines

The Journal 16 de Abril for the acceptance and publication of scientific articles related to health sciences is governed by the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, created by the Vancouver group, with some specifications based on the editorial interests of our publication. The journal is mainly aimed at the publication of research developed by undergraduate students and residents of any of the biomedical careers, although it has a section especially dedicated to the publication of scientific articles written by professors.

The manuscripts sent must be unpublished, they cannot have been sent to another journal simultaneously and once accepted by this publication, the Journal 16 de Abril assumes the editorial rights over them.The Journal is fully open access so that all articles They will be accessible immediately and permanently to facilitate their reading and downloading.


The Journal 16 de Abril will be open to the following types of articles: a) Editorials; b) Letters to the Editor; c) Originals; d) Reviews; e) Case presentations; f) Brief communications; g) Our teachers write; and h) Our history.

The journal also has other types: Special articles and Opinion articles. In addition, summaries of student scientific events are published, as well as any contribution that the Editorial Committee considers of interest for publication.


All papers submitted by medical, nursing, stomatology, health technology and short cycle students will be accepted for review. Works of the finished product mode will not be accepted.

The works will be uploaded to the magazine platform . To do this, you must first review the publication standards available at: www.rev16deabril.sld. cu / standards_for_authors.pdf . Then you will subscribe (if you are, you just have to log in as a user) and follow the steps for sending files.


The manuscript It must be in Spanish language and in Word letter format, written at 12 points in Arial, justified text, with single spacing, a space between each paragraph and top and bottom margins of 2.5 cm and right and left of 3 cm. It will not contain automatic styles. The EndNotes feature is allowed. All macros must be disabled. The maximum number of words, tables and graphics will be according to the section.

Metric units (meters, kilograms or liters) or their decimal multiples must be used for measurements of length, height, weight and volume. The temperature must be expressed in degrees Celsius. All clinical laboratory results will be reported in units of the International System of Units. If you want to add the conventional units, they must be entered within parentheses, eg. glycemia: 5.55 mmol / L (100mg / 100ml). In decimal numbers, commas will be used instead of periods (eg 3.14; not 3.14).


Title page

1. Title (in Spanish and English): Must accurately identify the main topic; be brief, clear and explanatory; contain keywords; avoid the use of punctuation marks; do not create false expectations; start with a term that suggests the most important aspect of the article.

2. Subtitles: It should not contain subtitles.

3. Authors: Name and surname; university, college, department, province and country. Email (all available), clarify email of the author for correspondence and ORCID of all authors.

Abstract (in Spanish and English)

• Structured abstract: original and review papers.

• Unstructured summary: brief communication, case presentations, history papers, opinion articles.

• No abstract needed: letters to the editor and editorials.

The keywords in Spanish and English must be in correspondence with the DeCS (available at: ) and MeSH ( ) respectively.

Tables and illustrations

The numbering of tables and figures must be done separately and in Arabic numbers. Tables should be as simple as possible and not duplicate the information presented in the text. They should be self-explanatory, with a short title that describes their content. Its structure should be as simple as possible and present the information in a logical sequence, which usually means ordering it from left to right and from top to bottom.

It is advisable to present only the digits significant and do it with only one decimal place. When more than one table is presented, it is convenient to use a similar format to make it easier for the reader to understand. It must be verified that all the tables are mentioned in the text, and that the data presented agree with those that are cited.

Figures should only be used when the information cannot be clearly presented otherwise. The data already presented in the tables or the text should not be repeated in graphs. If photographs or patient data are reproduced, they must not be identifying the subject. In all cases, the authors must have obtained the written informed consent of the patient authorizing their publication, reproduction and disclosure on the Internet.

The photos must be uploaded to the platform each one separately as companion files. The resolution must be greater than 300 dpi. Images can be grayscale or color (preferably RGB, although CMYK is also accepted). Other formats are accepted such as: Illustrator, Photoshop, Power Point, JPEG and PDF. Images must not be downloaded from the Internet.


There is a conflict of interest when the author had / has relationships that may have improperly biased or influence their actions. The potential conflict of interest exists regardless of whether the interested parties consider that said relationships influence their scientific judgment or not. The authors will describe the existence or not of conflicts of interest after the conclusions of the manuscript.


According to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, an author is considered to be one who meets the following conditions:

1. Substantial contribution in the conception and design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of the data;

2. Design or critical review of important parts of the intellectual content;

3. Approval of the final version of the manuscript;

4. Take responsibility for all aspects of the manuscript, to ensure that issues related to the accuracy or completeness of any part of it are properly investigated and resolved.

In addition to being responsible for The part of the work that one of the authors has done must also be able to identify which co-authors specifically have been responsible for the other parts of the work. Authors must have confidence in the integrity of the contributions of other authors.

All those who do not meet the 4 previous criteria will be considered as contributors and will be mentioned in the acknowledgments section (eg tutors, institution authorities).

The declaration of authorship must appear after the conflict of interest section.


Mention all those who contributed to the writing of the manuscript, but did not meet the requirements to be authors. These people must grant their permission to be appointed or at least know it and give their consent. It is the responsibility of the authors to obtain the written authorization of the persons mentioned by name in the acknowledgments.

Bibliographic references

Bibliographic references must be numbered consecutively in the order in which they appear for the first time in the text. They must be as recent (more than 50% of the last 5 years, except in justified cases) and relevant as possible. They will be based on the ANSI standard style adopted by the National Library of Medicine and the Vancouver Standards (examples available at: www. ). The names of the journals must be abbreviated according to the style used in the IndexMedicus / Medline and for this the following link must be consulted: . Authors are encouraged to consult articles published in journals indexed in: PubMed, Scopus, ISI Web of Science, ScienceDirect, Wiley & amp; Sons, Clinical Keys and SciELO. This section will be invariable for all types of manuscripts. The numerical system style will be used in order of appearance, using Arabic numbers, in superscript and before punctuation marks.

Only the documents that were consulted by the authors should be included. Avoid dating dating. Authors are responsible for checking if a retracted article has been cited.

They should appear after the acknowledgments.


Manuscripts should be submitted through the website, where the information necessary to submit the submission can be found. The use of this resource allows to follow the state of the manuscript through the web page.


Once the articles are received, they are included in the editorial queue according to the number of articles in the journal's editorial mattress at the time they are received. The articles will be reviewed according to priority. This review will be carried out by 2 reviewers using the double-blind method, to ensure the correct review thereof.

This includes the evaluation of the legality and authenticity of scientific articles, in which, if a fraud problem is detected, a fraud report is made to the director of the journal and it is sent to the coordinator of the Ministry of Health Public (MINSAP) in the National Secretariat of University Student Federation (FEU).

At the end of each analysis, the result of the review of the articles is decided, which can be:

1. Accepted without any error, where the article is ready to be published.

2. Accepted with modifications, according to the number of errors detected and the repercussion of these.

3. Article rejected.

Editorial decisions are final. When the result is obtained, the executive editor establishes communication with the authors of the article so that they take into account the suggestions made by the reviewers and plan to correct these errors, for which they have 15 days, after which begins the editorial process again. Once the articles are approved and ready for publication at the discretion of the editors, they are sent to some of the advisers who ratify the publication decision, an essential requirement for it, and finally to the proofreader who reviews and correct all spelling and grammar mistakes. Then they are layout and sent to the authors so that they, within a period of no more than 72 hours, approve the final version of the article in PDF to be published. In case of no response from the authors, the manuscript will be considered accepted.



It is a written report that communicates the results of a scientific investigation for the first time. It must contain sufficient and available information so that the researchers can assess the results and reproduce the experimentation. They should follow the following format: Summary, Introduction, Material and methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions . The maximum length of the text will be 4,000 words, Up to 6 figures or tables and ≤ 40 bibliographic references will be accepted (the highest percentage of these must be cited in the discussion). Up to 6 authors will be admitted.

Abstract : Structured informative ≤ 250 words, without references or abbreviations

• Introduction: highlight the importance of the study

• Objective

• Material and methods: type of study; context; universe and sample; interventions and type of analysis planned.

• Results: The most relevant. Describe them with precise numerical values (do not use only percentages).

• Conclusions: The main; found in the study.

• Keywords: 3-10 DeCS (MeSH in English).

Introduction : Should not exceed one page

• Describe the concepts necessary for understanding.

• Review the most recent background and knowledge.

• Denote the problem implicitly.

• Propose a correct justification and the scope of the study.

• There is good bibliographic support.

• It is written in the present tense.

• Include at the end the objectives (correct use of verbs; logical, measurable and achievable; they respond to the research problem).

Material and methods : must be structured in the following sections:

• Type of study: classify the study and contextualize it.

• Universe and sample: Correctly define the universe and sample; mention the selection criteria of the subjects (and controls); recruitment technique used; calculation of the sample size.

• Variables and data collection: Correctly describe all variables; indicate that the instruments for measuring the variables have validity and reliability; describes the measurement techniques of each variable and how the data were obtained.

• Statistical processing: Reasonably justify the statistical tests of contrast with the hypothesis for each of the main objectives of the study ; describe and justify the statistical tests chosen based on the intrinsic characteristics of the predictor variables and the outcome; Methods are used to test the hypothesis.

• Ethical standards: it must state whether informed consent was obtained and whether the anonymity and confidentiality of the participants was ensured; describe if there was a review by an ethics committee; describe the potential risks to subjects.

* The use of the STROBE guides is recommended ( )

Results : They correspond to the problem, hypothesis and proposed objectives.

• The data is presented objectively, without comments nor arguments.

• They are presented in an orderly manner following the order of the objectives formulated.

• The measures of central tendency are reported and their 95% confidence intervals (CI) in all quantitative variables. If groups are compared, estimates of the statistical significance of the differences are presented using the 95% CI.

•Recognize the limitations of the study and corroborate the absence of bias.

• Discuss the theoretical or practical implications of the study.

Conclusions :

• They correspond to the results or the objectives.

• They make the contribution to knowledge clear.


They refer to a study, where the current state of research on a specific topic is collected, analyzed and synthesized. This type of manuscript should be intended to advance the understanding of a particular topic, beyond a mere summary of the relevant literature. They should follow the following format: Summary, Introduction, Material and methods, Development and Conclusions. The maximum length of the text will be 5,000 words and up to 3 figures or tables will be admitted. It should not exceed 60 bibliographic citations. The maximum number of authors will be 3.

Abstract : Structured informative ≤ 250 words, without references or abbreviations.

• Introduction: highlight the importance of the study.

• Objective.

• Material and methods: describe the data sources and the selection and access methods.

• Development:

• Selection criteria.

• Information retrieval. Documentary sources.

• Evaluation of the quality of the selected articles.

• Analysis of the variability, reliability and validity of the articles.


• Organize and structure the data.

• Combine the results of different originals.

• Critically argue the results taking into account: designs, biases, limitations and conclusions drawn.

• Tables and graphs are simple and self-explanatory ( see section Table and Illustrations).  the usefulness of a diagnostic procedure or the adverse or unexpected effect of a drug that becomes a valuable contribution to evidence-based medical practice, education or research.They should follow the following format: Summary, Introduction, Presentation of the Case, Discussion and Conclusions. The maximum length of the text will be 3 000 words, up to 4 figures or tables and ≤ 40 bibliographic references will be admitted. The maximum number of authors will be 3.

Title : The words "case report" must appear in the title along with the most interesting of this case .

Summary : Introduction: What is unique in this case? What does it bring back to the medical literature? The main symptoms of the patient and the important clinical findings. The main diagnoses, therapeutic interventions and results. Conclusion: What are the main lessons that can be drawn from this case?

Keywords: 2- 5

Introduction : Brief summary of the background of this case referring to the medical literature.

Presentation of the case:

  • Patient information: Demographic information (age, sex, ethnic origin, profession, etc.). Main symptoms of the patient. Medical history, family and psychosocial that includes diet, lifestyle and pertinent genetic information if relevant to the case. Relevant comorbidities, including previous interventions and their results.
  • Clinical findings: Describe the findings pertinent to the physical examination.
  • Timing: Describe important milestones
  • Diagnostic evaluation: Diagnostic methods. Diagnostic problems (such as economic, cultural, etc.). Diagnostic reasoning, including other possible diagnoses taken into account. Prognosis characteristics (such as stages in oncology) when appropriate
  • Follow-up and results: Results evaluated by the doctor and by the patient. Important results of follow-up tests. Observance of the intervention and its tolerability (how has it been evaluated?). Adverse and unforeseen events.

Discussion: Strengths and limitations in handling this case. Discussion of the relevant medical literature. Justification of the conclusions (including the evaluation of the possible causes). The main lessons to be learned from this case report.

Patient perspective and informed consent: Did the patient communicate their perspective or experience? (Include whenever possible). Did the patient give their informed consent? Provide it if requested.


Short manuscripts are published that can be exposed in a condensed form and that describe experimental observations whose content does not satisfy the requirements to consider it as an original article or the report of partial and / or final results of a research whose rapid dissemination is of great importance. Exceptionally, reports of clinical cases of patients, rare or never described diseases and innovative forms of diagnosis or treatment will also be considered in this category.

The maximum length of the text will be 2. 000 words and up to 2 figures or tables will be accepted. It is essential to include an unstructured informative Abstract and Abstract, with a length not exceeding 150 words. After the Summary, between 3 and 5 keywords and keywords will be included in alphabetical order. The maximum number of authors will be 3. The article must not exceed 10 bibliographic citations.


The Editorial Committee encourages students to carry out the academic exercise of scientific criticism through comments or objections related to articles published in the journal, as well as current affairs. The maximum length will be 1,000 words and 10 bibliographic citations. The maximum number of authors is 3. Those letters that deal with articles previously published in the Journal will have the right to reply by the author, who may reply in a letter of a similar length within a period of one month. The relevance of the publication of the reply will be assessed by the Editorial Committee.


In This section will accept review articles of a historical nature. Personalities, institutions, diseases, instruments, specialties, etc. will be addressed. They must reflect the result of an investigative process or the experiences of the author. For its writing, the guidelines established for Review Articles must be followed. The maximum number of authors is 3.


It will be an article with the scientific quality of a professor as well as an understandable language for undergraduate and graduate students. Depending on the type, the guidelines established for Original Articles and Review Articles must be followed for their writing. The maximum number of authors is 3.


A statement of opinions, beliefs and policy of the publisher or director of the magazine, on matters of medical or scientific interest. Works that express a state of opinion or involve an update on a certain scientific topic, written by the director, executive editor of the magazine, advisor and / or expert. The maximum length will be 1,000 words and 10 bibliographic citations.