Publication rate of research works presented by the Medical Sciences University of Pinar del Río in National Meeting of Medical Sciences Students 2015-2017
scientific production, students of the health area, electronic journals, investigation, publicationAbstract
Objective: To describe the publication of research works presented by the Medical Sciences University of Pinar del Río in the National Meeting of Medical Sciences students during the years, 2015, 2016 and 2017.
Material and Methods: Using a Google Scholar search strategyit wasverified whether those studies werebeen published in scientific journals.
Results: 64 research works were presented and the publication frequency was 26.6% (17), without citations until now and with changes in the authorship data in approximately three of each fivearticles. Among the papers, more than 80% were been published within 2 years prior to their presentation. Revista Universidad Médica Pinareñawas used for the publication of these investigations in 82.3% of the cases. From the statistics obtained, it was determined that the frequency of published investigations was low.
Conclusions: The reformations made by the student institutional scientific journal should contribute to achieve a larger impact on the quality and visibility of its publications. The diffusion of the investigation results should not culminate with its presentation in events, but with its publication as scientific articles.
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